How to set up a Zoiper softphone to connect to CRM Krusher
To start working with telephony through the Zoiper application – you need to download it from the site
In chapter – everyone can find an application suitable for his operating system.
After downloading, feel free to install the softphone and launch it (although it’s likely to start up by itself and prescribe it to autorun).
The first thing you see on the screen is a welcome window.
If you have the courage to use the free version, you must click on the link “Continue as Free user” (at the bottom of the form).
After that you will be asked to enter the credentials of the SIP user.
To find out the login and password, you can CRM Krusher open the menu item Settings – Users and click on the name of the user you need. After that, the form will open in the lowest block, which will be visible data for access.
For correct connection, you will need all three values.
In order for the connection to happen the first time, you must carefully fill in the required fields:
- Username / Login – in this field we write a combination of the corresponding fields “SIP Login”@”SIP Server:Port” (as you already understood quotation marks should not be written, and the symbol – @ is the separator between the login and server address). And the server address must be copied along with the port, through the colon.
- Password – in this field, of course there must be a password that you need to know, because only the first and last 3 letters of the password are displayed on the screen. All other characters of the password are replaced by three asterisks. Of course, simply copying the password from the browser to the appropriate Zoiper field will not help you.
As a result, you should have the following picture.
After correct data entry, you can safely press the button Login.
On the following form, the Hostname field should already be filled with the value that you have in the “SIP Server:Port” field.
Check if everything is correct and click Next.
And if you do not have any proxies, feel free to skip the following form.
By pressing the Skip button, the application itself will check the availability of the server.
If you see that to the right of the phrase SIP UDP is a green progress bar, then this means that the application was successfully able to connect to the server.
If the connection is successful, then you can safely click the Next button, after which you will see a ready-made working connection.
A correct connection means that you can call and communicate with customers.
PS: most importantly, do not forget that the access settings are individual, and with the settings described in the example you will not be able to connect.