Auto-dial for communication enterprises
Among all service providers, it is those who provide telecommunications services that have the most problems with subscribers.
It seems that the Internet and the working phone are a matter of course and will always be so. In view of the high competition in the market, this business chose the most dead-end way of development – dumping. Broadband unlimited Internet in every home, 3G in each phone and calls in instant messengers without a per-minute payment – all this creates new challenges for business communication services.
How to keep the subscriber? How to receive payments for services on time? How to expand the client base and take the target audience away from the competitor? If all these questions still remain unanswered for you, you simply do not know about the automatic redial system CRM Krusher.
We want to share the history of the case, how the new operator became the leading one in one of the cities.
We all know the sluggishness and conservatism of the consumer. Your service can cost cheaper by order of magnitude, be more quality and have more features, and still subscribers will be “in the old fashioned way” devoted to their usual operator. Just people do not want to do unnecessary movements, reconnect, communicate with installers and technical support. Works – and it’s okay. Break this inertia can only be that the consumer sees their real benefits and wants to worry about changing the supplier of communication.
The new operator entered the market of Internet providers in one of the regional centers. The newest equipment, support for 24/7, a new speed standard, a convenient settlement system in any convenient way, and, most importantly, price loyalty offerings had to kill competitors in two clicks. But it was not there. Neither huge bigboards throughout the district, nor TV commercials, nor leaflets at every entrance and in the mailbox did not give the planned response.
Then the provider thought about other ways to attract customers. A unique proposal was developed – a test period without payment, and then a long contract on the most favorable terms. It remained to choose the way in which this information should reach the consumer.
Since all the rest has already been tried, marketers turned to the technology of auto-dialing. During the week CRM Krusher was installed, configured and ready to go. Several variants of scripts and scripts were written, used as a voice notification system, and text information via SMS.
CRM Krusher is starting to work.
Since the automatic call system CRM Krusher is capable of making fan calls to hundreds of subscribers simultaneously, in a matter of weeks the whole city was covered. In addition, the system is designed for multiple calls and if the subscriber is off the phone or he does not pick up the phone, then a second call will follow. Imagine the effect, if, say, within the family, everyone receives such a voice notification and will understand for themselves all the benefits of the offer. Consider a decision already made in your favor. A free trial period lasting a month has become the most correctly planned bait. During this time, the consumer managed to evaluate the advantages of the new operator and continue to cooperate on a fee basis.
For two months of using CRM Krusher, the provider received the number of subscribers that was included in the original business plan. Difficulties began in the third month. As elsewhere, the most difficult is the financial discipline of consumers. And here again CRM Krusher proved how right it was to decide to equip the system with a dial-up system for its business. A soft reminder of the debt made it possible to get 85% of payments, and further work with subscribers reduced the number of debts on the subscription fee almost to zero.
The ISP made the right decision and ordered the update of CRM Krusher, which enabled the introduction of an intelligent voice menu. Now each subscriber, bypassing technical support, could get information on the balance of funds on his account and on time to replenish it, so as not to remain without the Internet at the most inopportune moment. In addition, it was configured to send voice reminders about payment dates the day before the end of packet traffic. This allowed not only to minimize the number of debts on a subscription fee, but also as a whole increased the loyalty of the consumer.
Six months later, the new operator became a confident leader in the Internet communications market and further linked its development with the use of the system CRM Krusher.